In February, MEC decided to reinstate its original name, and again became known as Milwaukee Electronics. While we continue our transition from a regional electronics manufacturing services (EMS) provider, to one with an expanding global footprint, Read More
Today, Milwaukee Electronics was featured in a feature article from Manufacturing Today, titled “Always Evolving” from their Spring edition of the publication. Read More
The new Milwaukee Electronics News for First Quarter 2014 is out! In this latest issue we have information on: Read More
Exciting things are happening at Milwaukee Electronics and I wanted to take the time to personally explain these changes to you. Read More
Normally, when encountered by cold winter weather, people tend to think about things like being inconvenienced while driving to work, or the difficulty of staying warm. For people who work in building or roadway construction however, the challenges created by freezing temperatures are much greater, and it can become very difficult for work crews to get the job done. Frozen ground is more difficult to excavate, Read More
With 2013 coming to a close, the 59th year of Milwaukee Electronics having been in business is doing the same. That’s right, it was in 1954 that our company was formed and began doing business as an electronics contract manufacturer. Harnischfeger Corp, located in Milwaukee was the first customer, and at that time it was one of the world’s largest mining shovel OEMs. Read More
This Newsletter covers all areas of the company from our factories and offices across USA, Mexico and our facilities in Asia, covering what’s new in the 4th quarter 2013.
On November 16th, MEC and other tenant companies were invited to the campus of MEC’s Tecate electronics manufacturing facility, which hosted an open house celebration for all to enjoy. Along with refreshments, dancers, carnival rides, and plant tours of the new EMS outsourcing factory, Read More